How to Use the Google Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Planner is a helpful tool for determining the cost and estimated number of impressions and clicks for a keyword. It also displays the estimated CTR and CPC for a given keyword. If you are looking to boost your website’s organic traffic, using this tool is an excellent way to do so.

Filtering keywords

Google Keyword Planner provides keyword data for a city, state, country, or postcode. Filtering by location can help you find keywords related to your business. For example, you might be interested in discovering the top searches for Italian restaurants in your area. Type “Italian restaurants” in the Discover New Keywords tool, then type in the city where you focus your search. After you’ve entered this data, you’ll be able to filter your results by location and add them to your new plan.

Another way to filter keywords is to use the competition tool. Using the competition tool will give you a better idea of what your competitors are bidding on for similar keywords. Low-level competition keywords are great for small businesses since they generally have lower suggested bids and allow you to use more budget. Another helpful feature is the landing page tool. This tool will enable you to enter a specific landing page to determine whether a particular keyword is relevant to your business.

Google Keyword Planner offers another useful feature – ‘Discover new keywords. Using this tool, you can find long-tail keywords related to your business or website. It also allows you to filter by location and country and save your findings in a plan. Then you can use these keywords in the future.

Using filters

Using filters in Google Keyword Planner helps find more relevant keywords and limits your bids. The tool lists the most popular keywords and lets you sort them according to their average monthly searches. This helps you avoid keyword phrases with high search volume but are challenging to compete with.

You can also use the local search volume filter to target a particular city. This will give you information on the number of searches for specific locations and help you optimize your keywords for your local business. Another helpful option is the negative keyword filter, which will filter out irrelevant or unrelated keywords. This filter lets you find keywords only relevant to your niche. In addition, it only shows you data from Google Search Partners.

The filters in Google Keyword Planner will allow you to filter keywords based on their search volumes in various languages. These filters can be beneficial if you run a website that uses multiple languages. You can also exclude brand names and other irrelevant search terms to your business.

Using Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a tool that allows you to explore the link profiles of your competitors. The tool lets you see a keyword’s total number of clicks, but this may not always be the same as the percentage. This is because some users click on several results, which can change your traffic estimate. Ahrefs also shows you the rate of organic results versus paid search results.

Ahrefs also offers a site Explorer feature that allows you to analyze competitor keywords and strategies. This tool can also track their rankings by sending emails that let you know when their keyword rankings change. Similarly, you can check the number of backlinks to their websites – backlinks directly impact order.

Keyword research is an essential part of SEO, and Ahrefs’ keyword tool has many features that make keyword research more accessible. You can enter a seed keyword, giving you an overview of related keywords. The device contains a database of over 10 billion keywords covering 171 countries and is updated monthly.

Using Semrush

Using Semrush with Google keyword planner is a great way to monitor your competitors’ keyword rankings. This comprehensive SEO toolkit gathers information from your competitor’s web pages, keyword searches, and more. It’s easy to use and helps you understand the basics of SEO and keyword research.

SEMRush has a clean interface and allows you to save your keyword research in projects for further analysis. You can also download keyword results as a CSV file. You can log in to the SEMRush website using your Google account. SEMrush provides a complete SEO package, including backlink analysis, traffic analysis, and detailed reports. While SEMrush’s keyword research is beneficial, the accuracy of the data is often questionable. Using SEMRush with Google keyword planner is an excellent choice for SEO professionals who are serious about ensuring the success of their campaigns.

Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool allows you to create lists of long-tail keywords and segment them based on the topic. It also gathers up to 1,000 keywords into a single listing and estimates their traffic potential. It also integrates with Semrush Position Tracking, which gives you an idea of what your keywords can potentially earn you.

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