Health and Fitness

Treat your Frozen Shoulder with Ayurveda

We dismiss stiffness and pain in the shoulder most of the time by taking an opioid. But, it’s essential to know that an injured shoulder could become more severe and make it impossible to perform daily tasks. So, addressing any shoulder pain seriously, even in the beginning stages, is necessary to avoid serious issues later. A few times of self-medication for minor shoulder discomfort could cause you to reach an area that could be more serious, for instance, a frozen shoulder.

Why is it called Frozen Shoulder?

A frozen shoulder is a long-lasting pain-inducing stiffness of that shoulder joint. It is usually associated with stiffness and pain that progresses slowly and then becomes more sensitive. It is often confused with arthritis. However, both conditions aren’t related. While frozen shoulder affects specifically the Shoulder joint and its surrounding tissues, arthritis is a term used to describe several joints.

A frozen shoulder can happen in one shoulder or both. The development of frozen shoulder typically occurs in three phases, with each stage lasting for some time. In the beginning, the movement of your shoulder may cause pain, and the motion of your shoulder becomes restricted.

The pain could be less severe; however, your shoulder will become stiffer and more difficult to move. Even if the pain is gone, the stiffness may become a hindrance. The condition could prevent you from reaching your head and to the side or across your chest or turning your arm to the fullest extent, making it difficult for you to rub your back.

In the final phases, the range of motion of your shoulder might be improved. However, you may experience more discomfort at night, disrupting your sleep routine.

What is the cause of a frozen shoulder?

A frozen shoulder can happen for anyone. However, it is typically is seen in people of the age range 40 to 60 years of age and is more common for women than men.

A frozen shoulder is if the connective tissue capsule surrounding the joint becomes thicker, limiting its motion. It could occur due to an injury, stroke, surgery, or in patients suffering from heart disease, diabetes, thyroid problems, or lung diseases. In Ayurveda, the theory is due to an increase in vata dosha or the imbalance between vata and Kapha.

What are the opinions of experts?

According to Ayurveda practitioners in the field of health, there is a chance that a frozen Shoulder can affect a person’s capacity to carry out daily activities such as bathing and dressing.

Doctors also say that stiffness and pain in the shoulder shouldn’t be overlooked. Based on its severity, it could take anything from one to three years to fully recover from this condition.

Ayurvedic treatment for the frozen shoulder

In Ayurveda, the term frozen shoulder is known as “Apabahuka.” Ayurvedic doctors offer a variety of strategies to treat a frozen shoulder effectively. Ayurveda is a personalized health science, which means that the treatment for each instance of frozen shoulder might be unique. It is crucial to pinpoint the root cause of the problem. Based on this, the treatment recommended will consist of herbal concoctions and churns and herbal rasa and Guggulu remedies that ease the aggravated vata dosha, which is thought to be the leading cause.

“Panchakarma Therapy” is believed to play a significant part in the treatment of this condition since it can help open the restricted movements of the shoulder via the use of lubrication medication and fomentation. The herbal enemas utilized during this treatment aid in restoring vata dosa into a more balanced state.

Ayurveda provides a range of highly beneficial internal medicines and external treatments that can help with frozen shoulders. It should, however, be taken only after consulting an experienced Ayurvedic physician since he will be able to recommend the appropriate treatments based on the specific physical and medical condition.

Ayurvedic home treatments and remedies:

  • Sesame or coconut oils are warm infused with camphor and apply it to the area of pain to relieve pain. A warm massage followed them. Even though the results are slow-moving, however, it’s efficient.
  • Include 3-4 cloves of crushed garlic in a glass with half of boiling milk, or drink one teaspoon of sesame oil in warm water each morning.
  • Mix Epsom salt into warm water, and use it to create stimulation to relax shoulder muscles.
  • If your problem is an increase in blood sugar levels, herbal remedies like ‘Haridra’ or the powder ‘Amalaki’ can aid in controlling sugar levels.
  • Turmeric and Alfalfa could aid in relieving inflammation and repairing the tissue of the Shoulder. Specific Ayurvedic remedies, such as the “Varunadhi-Kutha” (30ml daily, twice before eating) and ‘Simhanada Guggula’ (1 tablet twice daily after eating) and ‘Lasunadi ‘Rasayana, can be suggested for pain relief according to your specific condition.

Some guidelines for living a healthy lifestyle:

  • Beware of all diets that can cause vata-related problems and lifestyle habits.
  • Beware of using any stimulants like alcohol, tea, or coffee.
  • Avoid fast food, frozen foods, fast food, carbonated beverages, white flour, stale food, and packaged food items.
  • Avoid intense exercise, heavy weight lifting, sleeping-wake times, and exposure to cold temperatures over a long period.
  • Don’t avoid meals. Take only fresh, warm food.
  • Practice shoulder-strengthening exercises.
  • Drinking a mixture of powdered dry ginger, dried fenugreek, and carom seeds, mixing it with water following meals is beneficial in providing relief.
  • Add Ashwagandha to supplement your regimen since it offers effective relief.
  • Massage the affected area using two drops of oil every day.
  • Apply ice packs to the shoulder for 15 minutes at a stretch several times throughout the day since it can help reduce discomfort.

Remember, the beginning of most illnesses result from poor habits and diets. Therefore, it is essential to keep the health of your body and mind by eating a balanced diet and sleeping promptly, avoiding sedentary habits, and working out.

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